"Zero Hours" was an international conference held at the Social Science Center Berlin. It was dedicated to the second volume of the Zero Hours series, which is one outcome of the general project approach. The contributions to the conference were very rich and a book is under contract with Palgrave and will be published in 2016.
Astrid Nonbo Andersen
Marie-Christine Boilard
Niels Brimnes
Andreas Eckert
Søren Friis
Wulf Kantsteiner
Mattias Kumm
Claudia Leskien
Chris Lorenz
Daniel Roger Maul
Jan-Henrik Meyer
Bertel Nygaard
Niklas Olsen
Dieter Plehwe
Joshua Ratz
Hagen Schulz-Forberg
Andreas Steen
Jens Steffek
Uffe Østergaard